I like tennis. It is _____ favourite kind of sport. John goes in for football. _____ coach is proud of him.

Правильно! Неправильно!

There are 30 pupils in _____ form. _____ form-mistress is the best in the school. _____ methodology is simple and understandable for everybody

Правильно! Неправильно!

Tom, I saw _____ children yesterday. They were with _____ friends in the park.

Правильно! Неправильно!

_____ grandfather is a businessman. I have been several times at _____ office.

Правильно! Неправильно!

I bought a new walkman. _____ audio quality is perfect.

Правильно! Неправильно!

Choose the correct answer.

Правильно! Неправильно!

Choose the correct answer.

Правильно! Неправильно!

Choose the correct answer.

Правильно! Неправильно!

Choose the correct answer.

Правильно! Неправильно!

Every year _____ friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays. _____ journeys are always interesting and merry.

Правильно! Неправильно!

Тест 20
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